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Carla Freitas Brandt

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Avdeling: Bunnsamfunn


Spatial ecology, biotelemetry, ecological modelling, marine mammals, sea turtles, marine fish

Curriculum Vitae


2008 - PhD in Biology. Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway.
2000 - Master in Marine and Fisheries Science. University of Aberdeen, UK.
1997 - Bachelor (Licenciatura) in Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Algarve, Portugal.


Publication metrics:
H-index (Google Scholar): 24; Citations (Google Scholar): 1450+

Selected publications:

Freitas, C., Gundersen, K., Lindblom, L., Biuw, M., Haug, T. (2023). Nutrient concentrations in minke whale faeces and the potential impact on dissolved nutrient pools off Svalbard, Norway. Progress in Oceanography 210:102927.

Freitas, C., Freitas, M., Andrzejaczek, S., Dale, J.J., Whippen, W., and Block, B.A. (2022). First insights into the movements and vertical habitat use of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the eastern North Atlantic. Animal Biotelemetry 10:12.

Villegas-Ríos, D., Freitas, C., Moland, E., Olsen, E.M. (2022). Eco-evolutionary dynamics of Atlantic cod spatial behavior maintained after the implementation of a marine reserve. Evolutionary Applications 15:1846-1858.

Freitas, C., Villegas-Ríos, D., Moland, E. & Olsen, E.M. (2021) Sea temperature effects on depth use and habitat selection in a marine fish community. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:1787-1800.

Villegas-Ríos, D., Freitas, C., Moland, E., Thorbjørnsen, S. H., and Olsen, E. M. (2020). Inferring individual fate from aquatic acoustic telemetry data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11:1186-1198.

Sørlie, M., Nilssen, K. T., Bjørge, A., and Freitas, C. (2020). Diet composition and biomass consumption of harbour seals in Telemark and Aust-Agder, Norwegian Skagerrak. Marine Biology Research 16:299-310.

Norderhaug, K. M., Filbee-Dexter, K., Freitas, C., S. R. Birkely, L. Christensen, I. Mellerud, J. Thormar, T. van Son, F. Moy, M. Vázquez Alonso, and H. Steen. 2020. Ecosystem-level effects of large-scale disturbance in kelp forests. Marine Ecology Progress Series 656:163-180.

Freitas, C., Caldeira, R., and Dellinger, T. (2019). Surface behavior of pelagic juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 510:73-80.

Barth, J. M. I., Villegas-Ríos, D., Freitas, C., Moland, E., Star, B., André, C., Knutsen, H., Bradbury, I., Dierking, J., Petereit, C., Righton, D., Metcalfe, J., Jakobsen, K. S., Olsen, E. M., and Jentoft, S. (2019). Disentangling structural genomic and behavioural barriers in a sea of connectivity. Molecular Ecology 28:1394-1411.

Hamilton, C. D., Lydersen, C., Fedak, M. A., Freitas, C., Hindell, M. A., and Kovacs, K. M. (2019). Behavioural ontogeny of bearded seals Erignathus barbatus through the first year of life. Marine Ecology Progress Series 627:179-194.

Freitas, C., Caldeira, R., Reis, J., and Dellinger, T. (2018). Foraging behavior of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the open ocean: from Lévy exploration to area-restricted search. Marine Ecology Progress Series 595:203-215.

Villegas-Ríos, D., Réale, D., Freitas, C., Moland, E., and Olsen, E. M. (2018). Personalities influence spatial responses to environmental fluctuations in wild fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1309-1319.

Villegas-Ríos, D., Réale, D., Freitas, C., Moland, E., and Olsen, E. M. (2017). Individual level consistency and correlations of fish spatial behaviour assessed from aquatic animal telemetry. Animal Behaviour 124:83-94.

Freitas, C., Olsen, E. M., Knutsen, H., Albretsen, J., and Moland, E. (2016). Temperature-associated habitat selection in a cold-water marine fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:628–637.

Freitas, C., Olsen, E. M., Moland, E., Ciannelli, L., and Knutsen, H. (2015). Behavioral responses of Atlantic cod to sea temperature changes. Ecology and Evolution 5:2070–2083.

Lydersen, C., Freitas, C., Wiig, Ø., Bachmann, L., Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Swift, R., and Kovacs, K. M. (2012). Lost Highway Not Forgotten: Satellite Tracking of a Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) from the Critically Endangered Spitsbergen Stock. Arctic 65:76-86.

Freitas, C., Kovacs, K. M., Andersen, M., Aars, J., Sandven, S., Skern-Mauritzen, M., Pavlova, O., and Lydersen, C. (2012). Importance of fast ice and glacier fronts for female polar bears and their cubs during spring in Svalbard, Norway. Marine Ecology Progress Series 447:289-304.

McCarthy, A. L., Heppell, S., Royer, F., Freitas, C., and Dellinger, T. (2010). Identification of likely foraging habitat of pelagic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Atlantic through analysis of telemetry track sinuosity. Progress in Oceanography 86:224-231.

Freitas, C., Kovacs, K. M., Ims, R. A., Fedak, M. A., and Lydersen, C. (2009). Deep into the ice: over-wintering and habitat selection in male Atlantic walruses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 375:247-261.

Freitas, C., Kovacs, K. M., Ims, R. A., Fedak, M. A., and Lydersen, C. (2008). Ringed seal post-moulting movement tactics and habitat selection. Oecologia 155:193-204.

Freitas, C., Kovacs, K. M., Ims, R. A., and Lydersen, C. (2008). Predicting habitat use by ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in a warming Arctic. Ecological Modelling 217:19-32.

Freitas, C., Kovacs, K. M., Lydersen, C., and Ims, R. A. (2008). A novel method for quantifying habitat selection and predicting habitat use. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:1213-1220.

Freitas, C., Lydersen, C., Fedak, M. A., and Kovacs, K. M. (2008). A simple new algorithm to filter marine mammal Argos locations. Marine Mammal Science 24:315-325.

Freitas, C., Dellinger, T., and Reiner, F. (1998). First record of Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis G. Cuvier, 1829 (Cetacea: Delphinidae) from the Archipelago of Madeira. Bocagiana 190:1-5.


Freitas, L., Antunes, R., Freitas, C., and Pires, R. (2002). Mamíferos Marinhos do Arquipélago da Madeira. Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais, Funchal.[Title in English: Marine Mammals of Madeira Archipelago]

Freitas, C., and Dellinger, T. (1999). Tartarugas Marinhas na Madeira. Projecto Tartarugas Marinhas, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal.[Title in English: Sea turtles of Madeira]


Freitas, C. R library argosfilter, available at [http://cran.r-project.org/]. The library enables to filter marine vertebrate Argos locations, using the algorithm described in Freitas et al (2008) Marine Mammal Science, 24(2): 315-325.



Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Bayesian estimation of spatially varying mortality risk using tagged animal data

Anna J. Poulton, David Villegas-Ríos, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen, Suresh A. Sethi, Stephen P. Ellner
Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Haulout Patterns of Harbour Seal Colonies in the Norwegian Skagerrak, as Monitored through Time-Lapse Camera Surveys

Elsa van Meurs, Even Moland, Arne Jostein Bjørge, Carla Freitas
Diversity 16

Atlantic cod individual spatial behaviour and stable isotope associations in a no-take marine reserve

Christopher Monk, Michael Power, Carla Freitas, Philip M. Harrison, Michelle Heupel, Anna Kuparinen, Even Moland, Colin Simpfendorfer, David Villegas-Ríos, Esben Moland Olsen
Journal of Animal Ecology

Nutrient concentrations in minke whale faeces and the potential impact on dissolved nutrient pools off Svalbard, Norway

Carla Freitas, Kjell Gundersen, Lotta Lindblom, Martin Biuw, Tore Haug
Progress in Oceanography 210

First insights into the movements and vertical habitat use of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the eastern North Atlantic

Carla Freitas, Mafalda Freitas, Samantha Andrzejaczek, Jonathan J. Dale, Wayne Whippen, Barbara A. Block
Animal Biotelemetry 10 p. 1-9

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of Atlantic cod spatial behavior maintained after the implementation of a marine reserve

David Villegas-Ríos, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen
Evolutionary Applications

Restoration of Abundance and Dynamics of Coastal Fish and Lobster Within Northern Marine Protected Areas Across Two Decades

Even Moland, Albert Fernández-Chacón, Tonje Knutsen Sørdalen, David Villegas-Rios, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Mats Brockstedt Olsen Huserbråten, Esben Moland Olsen, Portia Joy Nillos Kleiven, Alf Ring Kleiven, Halvor Knutsen, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Carla Freitas, Jan Atle Knutsen
Frontiers in Marine Science

Time at risk: Individual spatial behaviour drives effectiveness of marine protected areas and fitness

David Villegas-Ríos, Joachim Claudet, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Alexandre Alonso-Fernández, Esben Moland Olsen
Biological Conservation 263 p. 1-11

Sea temperature effects on depth use and habitat selection in a marine fish community

Carla Freitas, David Villegas-Ríos, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 p. 1787-1800

Ecosystem-level effects of large-scale disturbance in kelp forests

KM Norderhaug, K Filbee-Dexter, Carla Freitas, Sten Richard Birkely, Lene Christensen, Ida Kristin Mellerud, Jonas Thormar, Thijs Christiaan van Son, Frithjof Emil Moy, M. Vázquez Alonso, Henning Steen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 656 p. 163-180

Inferring individual fate from aquatic acoustic telemetry data

David Villegas-Ríos, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Esben M. Olsen
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 p. 1186-1198

Diet composition and biomass consumption of harbour seals in Telemark and Aust-Agder, Norwegian Skagerrak

Maria Sørlie, Kjell Tormod Nilssen, Arne Jostein Bjørge, Carla Freitas Brandt
Marine Biology Research 16 p. 299-310

Impacts of salmon lice on mortality, marine migration distance and premature return in sea trout

R M Serra Llinares, T Bøhn, Ø Karlsen, R Nilsen, C Freitas, J Albretsen, T Haraldstad, E B Thorstad, K M S Elvik, P A Bjørn
Marine Ecology Progress Series 635 p. 151-168

Behavioural ontogeny of bearded seals Erignathus barbatus through the first year of life

Charmain Danielle Hamilton, Christian Lydersen, Mike A. Fedak, Carla Freitas, Mark Hindell, Kit M. Kovacs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 627 p. 179-194

Disentangling structural genomic and behavioral barriers in a sea of connectivity

Julia Maria Isis Barth, David Villegas-Ríos, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Bastiaan Star, Carl André, Halvor Knutsen, Ian Bradbury, Jan Dierking, Christoph Petereit, David Righton, Julian Metcalfe, Kjetill Sigurd Jakobsen, Esben Moland Olsen, Sissel Jentoft
Molecular Ecology 28 p. 1394-1411

Surface behavior of pelagic juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the eastern North Atlantic

Carla Freitas, Rui Caldeira, Thomas Dellinger
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 510 p. 73-80

Personalities influence spatial responses to environmental fluctuations in wild fish

David Villegas-Rios, Denis Réale, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 p. 1309-1319

Foraging behavior of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the open ocean: from Lévy exploration to area-restricted search

Carla Freitas, Rui Caldeira, Jesus Reis, Thomas Dellinger
Marine Ecology Progress Series 595 p. 203-2015

Individual level consistency and correlations of fish spatial behaviour assessed from aquatic animal telemetry

David Villegas-Rios, Denis Réale, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen
Animal Behaviour 124 p. 83-94

Temperature-associated habitat selection in a cold-water marine fish

Carla Freitas, Esben Moland Olsen, Halvor Knutsen, Jon Albretsen, Even Moland
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 p. 628-637

Behavioral responses of Atlantic cod to sea temperature changes

Carla Freitas, Esben Moland Olsen, Even Moland, Lorenzo Ciannelli, Halvor Knutsen
Ecology and Evolution 5 p. 2070-2083

Lost Highway Not Forgotten: Satellite Tracking of a Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) from the Critically Endangered Spitsbergen Stock

C. Lydersen, Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Øystein Wiig, Lutz Bachmann, M.P. Heide-Jørgensen, R. Swift, Kit Kovacs
Arctic 65 p. 76-86

Importance of fast ice and glacier fronts for female polar bears and their cubs during spring in Svalbard, Norway

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Kit Kovacs, Magnus Andersen, Jon Aars, Stein Sandven, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Olga Pavlova, Christian Lydersen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 447 p. 289-304

Distinguishing Pelagic and Demersal Swimming of Deepwater Flatfish by Recording of Body Angles

Ole Thomas Albert, Yvan Lambert, Tone Vollen, Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Lise Heggebakken
American Fisheries Society, Symposium 76 p. 507-527

Deep into the ice: over-wintering and habitat selection in male Atlantic walruses

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Kit M. Kovacs, Rolf Anker Ims, MA Fedak, Christian Lydersen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 375 p. 247-261

A novel method for quantifying habitat selection and predicting habitat use

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Kit M. Kovacs, Christian Lydersen, Rolf Anker Ims
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 p. 1213-1220

Predicting habitat use by ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in a warming Arctic

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Kit M. Kovacs, Rolf Anker Ims, Christian Lydersen
Ecological Modelling 217 p. 19-32

Ringed seal post-moulting movement tactics and habitat selection

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Kit M. Kovacs, Rolf Anker Ims, MA Fedak, Christian Lydersen
Oecologia 155

Faglige foredrag


Effekter av lakselus på sjøørret i naturen

Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Thomas Bøhn, Ørjan Karlsen, Rune Nilsen, Carla Freitas, Jon Albretsen, Tormod Haraldstad, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Kristine Marit Schrøder Elvik, Pål Arne Bjørn

To live or to grow? Costs and benefits of sea trout adaptive behavior to heavy salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestations

Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Rune Nilsen, Jon Albretsen, Thomas Bøhn, Kristine Marit Schrøder Elvik, Carla Freitas, Tormod Haraldstad, Ørjan Karlsen, Pål Arne Bjørn

Predictive habitat models as tools for MPA design

Freitas, Carla

Hvor Liker Torsken Seg: Temperatur og Habitat

Freitas, Carla

Behavioural responses of wild Atlantic cod to sea temperature changes

Carla Marília Abreu Freitas, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen



Survival and habitat use of sea trout post-smolts artificially infested with salmon lice: A pilot study

Rosa Maria Serra-Llinares, Carla Freitas, Rune Nilsen, Kristine Marit Schrøder Elvik, Jon Albretsen, Ørjan Karlsen, Pål Arne Bjørn, Bjørn Olav Kvamme

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Raet nasjonalpark — Kunnskap og råd for bevaring av marint naturmangfold

Alf Ring Kleiven, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Gro Ingleid van der Meeren, Carla Freitas, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Even Moland, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Tone Falkenhaug, Molly Claire Reamon, Stine Hagestad, Norith Habberstad Eckbo
Rapport fra havforskningen

Pilotprosjekt for vurdering av samlet påvirkning i Oslofjorden – ytre del

Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Frithjof Emil Moy, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Florian Berg, Cecilie Kvamme, Guldborg Søvik, Alf Ring Kleiven, Jon Albretsen, Carla Freitas, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Tone Falkenhaug
Rapport fra havforskningen

Richness, abundance, and spatial distribution of coastal fish around Hitra and Frøya

Astrid Winnberg Skoge, Torkild Bakken, Alf Ring Kleiven, Carla Freitas

Sluttrapport fra Frisk Oslofjord

Bjørn Strandli, Frithjof Emil Moy, Tone Kroglund, Arne Johan Hestnes, Geir Endregard, Mats Gunnar Walday, Dag Ottesen, Torstein Ådland, Carla Freitas, Therese Mathisen, Lene Christensen, Even Moland

Bærekraftig taretråling - Vurdering av bærekraftskriterier ved Vikna

Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Carla Freitas, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Jon Albretsen, Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard, Martin Junker Ohldieck, Thijs Christiaan van Son, Jan Atle Knutsen, Frithjof Emil Moy, Henning Steen

Krafttak for kysttorsken - Kunnskap for stedstilpasset gjenoppbygging av bestander, naturtyper og økosystem i Færder- og Ytre Hvaler nasjonalparker

Even Moland, Ann-Elin Synnes, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Carla Freitas, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Jonas Thormar, Martin Biuw, Per Erik Jorde, Halvor Knutsen, Geir Dahle, Anders Jelmert, Sebastian Bosgraaf, Esben Moland Olsen, Anne Deininger, Atle Haga

Nasjonal kartlegging – kyst 2019. Ny revisjon av kriterier for verdisetting av marine naturtyper og nøkkelområder for arter

Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Heidi Anita Olsen, Jonas Thormar, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Reidulv Bøe, Carla Freitas, Frithjof Emil Moy
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